In a curious coincidence, two new works centered around the extraordinary tale of Elizabeth Klarer, a South African meteorologist who devoted herself to proving the existence of her extraterrestrial lover, will feature at this year’s Hilton Arts Festival (11 to 13 August).
One work is a play, Finding Rosetta, by celebrated South African playwright Paul Slabolepszy. The play tells the story of middle-aged, disillusioned Rose who finds herself back in the Midlands of her childhood where she stumbles on Klarer’s book and discovers that she and this controversial “Daughter of Rosetta” once crossed paths. In seeking ways to reconnect with the loving, exuberant, creative young woman of her early years, Rose embarks on a transformative journey that compels her to re-examine her own existence as well as her shared duty with all humanity in saving the precious planet we call home.
The other work is a documentary, Beyond the Light Barrier, directed by Uga Carlini. The documentary explores the extraordinary life of Elizabeth Klarer, featuring archival footage, recent interviews with Klarer’s family and friends, as well as sceptics and Southern African Ufologists, to offer an in-depth look at her enigmatic life. The film delves into her experiences on the alien planet and includes insights from Credo Mutwa, the renowned South African mystic. Through personal accounts and expert analysis, Beyond the Light Barrier provides an immersive exploration of Klarer’s remarkable legacy.
“It is a curious coincidence that the film and play have found their way to the Festival at the same time,” says Sue Clarence, Director of the Hilton Arts Festival. “We think this could be a fantastic ‘tandem’ opportunity to uncover the mystery that the midlands and Hilton Fest goers have been puzzling for years over many bottles of red wine. But on a serious note, we are delighted to present Uga’s new film, and to have the premiere of Paul Slab’s play directed by midlands theatre personality William le Cordeur, and Annie Robinson-Grealy who has lived in the midlands for years and has performed at countless Hilton Arts Festivals. It does feel as if the stars have aligned.”
Tickets for both Finding Rosetta and Beyond the Light Barrier are now on sale.