This animated, adventure-comedy ‘Big Trip’ – featuring the most unlikely animal friends, will take you on a journey that is guaranteed to warm your heart and entertain you endlessly no matter how young or old you are.  

‘Big Trip’ written by American writer and film director Billy Frolick, from the award-winning animation, Madagascar, will be coming to a big screen near you on 31 May 2019.


The story begins with a cute baby panda that is delivered to the wrong animal ‘door’. The story begins to unfold as a bear, wolf, tiger, moose and a rabbit set out on an adventure through the Chinese countryside to return the baby panda to its rightful home. 

Mic-Mic – the bear, and most organised member of the group is an all-round good guy that hates any form of disorder and designates himself leader of the expedition, is joined by Oscar, the troublemaker; scatter brain rabbit – Duke; the most boastful pelican on the river, Janus; the wolf and biggest coward in the forest and Amur – the romantic tiger that dreams about someday finding a soul mate. Each character is dynamic and brings with them a unique and funny twist to the story that is both hilarious for the kids and will humour their parents too.

Big Trip is suitable for the whole family.