South African multi-hyphenate Nakhane’s highly anticipated short film, B(l)ind The Sacrifice, made a powerful impact at the prestigious Locarno Film Festival last week. The film, a collaboration with award-winning producers Cait Pansegrouw and Elias Ribeiro of Urucu Media, is a bold exploration of masculinity, patriarchy, and power.
Known internationally for their captivating performance in Inxeba (The Wound), Nakhane takes on a new role as writer and director. The film’s premise is inspired by the Biblical story of Abraham and Isaac, but it offers a radical reinterpretation. Nakhane explains, “I wanted to imagine what would happen if Abraham didn’t get away with sacrificing Isaac. What if his power was so absolute that his family and servants were trapped in a nomadic existence, forced to obey his every whim?”
The filmmakers’ vision extends beyond the short film format. They aim to develop B(l)ind The Sacrifice into a feature-length exploration of patriarchy, power, and queerness. The enthusiastic response from the Locarno audience has fueled their determination to bring this ambitious project to life.
Selected from thousands of submissions, B(l)ind The Sacrifice is competing in the prestigious Pardi di Domani section at Locarno, a platform for innovative and groundbreaking filmmaking. The film’s inclusion in the Concorso Internazionale competition further solidifies its status as a work of exceptional talent.
The Locarno Film Festival, nestled amidst the breathtaking Swiss Alps, has carved a unique niche for itself in the world of cinema. Unlike its more glamorous counterparts, Locarno exudes an indie spirit, fostering a platform for daring, unconventional filmmakers to showcase their work.